Who We Are Orlando Lodge is an intentional community of Theosophical Students serving the objectives of the Theosophical Society, and is dedicated to the creation and maintenance of a Spiritual Center where the Theosophical Philosophy, the Ancient Wisdom, may be studied and lived. THE THREE TRUTHS OF THE WHITE LOTUS There are three truths which are absolute, and which cannot be lost, but yet remain silent for lack of speech. "The soul of man is immortal, and its future is the future of at thing whose growth and splendor has no limit. 'The principle which gives life dwells in us, and without us, is undying and eternally beneficent, is not heard or seen or smelt, but is perceived by the man who desires perception. "Each man is his own absolute lawgiver, the dispenser of glory or gloom to himself; the decreer of his life, his reward, his punishment. NATURE SANCTUARY In October of 1996 the Members of Orlando Lodge dedicated our current campus as a "Designated Nature Sanctuary." Every year on the second Sunday of October we hold a special program of Nature Awareness and Appreciation. WISDOM IS KNOWING THAT WE ARE ALL ONE. |